5 Jan 2025

As the new year begins, we remember, “In the beginning, God….” (Gen 1:1). That’s how the Bible begins: with God, and for the rest of the chapter, God speaks, creates, and blesses. May it be so that in 2025, we will heed God’s Word, give thanks for His creation, and seek to live under His blessing.
Several horrific tragedies took place around Christmas: an attack on a Christmas market in Germany, and two plane crashes in Azerbaijan and South Korea. Again, we are reminded that despite the season’s celebration of peace and goodwill, the world is far from what it should be.
What will 2025 hold for us? None of us can know for certain. You may have received this quote with new year greetings:
“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’
And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’”
Indeed, the hand is better than a light. Let us keep close to the Lord to ensure our hand rests in His hand. In the coming year, we look forward to the following events of BPCIS:
18 April
Combined Good Friday Services
English: ACSI, Dover Road, 10.30am
Speaker: Pastor Yap Kim Sin
Chinese: Zion Bishan, 10.30am
Speaker: Rev Dr Caleb Su
20 April
Easter Sunrise Service
MacRitchie Reservoir, 6.30am
Speaker: Pastor Alby Yip
7-8 July
Pastors & Leaders Retreat
Opero Hotel, JB
Speaker: Rev Ivan Chow
20 Sep
Annual Presbytery Meeting, 10am
Mount Gerizim, Woodlands 11
Please note the dates. We look forward to listen to God’s Word, watch Him at work, and hear Him say, “I will bless and keep you, I will make my face to shine on you and be gracious to you. I will look with favour on you and give you peace.” Amen, may it be so!
Pastor David Wong
General Secretary, BPCIS