By Irene Seah
I thank you for making this trip finally come true for me —a trip I’ve harboured hopes of going on since Sis Geok Tin shared some five years back about Sis Boon Jin’s mission field.
It must be your good timing for me as this team spanned across a wide age range — from the “Seniors” to the very young (Kay En), where you could use her as the important voiceover during the story presentation to the children. It was wonderful to see how she adapted and fit into the “adult” group so well; she is truly your gem. I was also amazed by how you led Huiyi to make a “pack and go” decision to join the trip at the last minute — what a missionary trait!
- Dn Chee Liang’s daily devotions which were so apt to prepare us to fellowship with you, with each other, and the children we were meeting,
- The brief but wonderful prayer and sharing moments I had with Naomi, Gracia, Ling Ling, Carol, Janice, Dn Oei Kiang and Jessica (Boon Jin’s co-labourer),
- Joanna’s and Tsz Kiu’s quick wit as they hosted each day’s programme in English and Mandarin so effectively, which I’m sure left a positive impact on many of the first-time church comers,
- Ai Lin’s patience and flexibility as she coordinated the grouping of the attendees so quickly, and
- Jonathan’s cheerful and Ai Lin’s “evil” laughter – both equally infectious!
I’m also thankful for Carol and how she kept a special look out for our car when we almost made wrong turns! And for the safe journey to and fro, as well as the opportunity to connect with Ling Jie and the great “couple” time Soon Huat and I had.
Because you love us first.
In Jesus name, Amen.