By Pastor David Wong
(General Secretary, Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore)

In the last Update in Oct 2021, we wrote, “In the coming years, God helping us, we embark on agenda DBS 2.0: Devoting to prayer, Building bridges and Strengthening our churches.”
In November last year we began our monthly zoom prayer, every third Wednesday at 3pm-3.30pm. BPCIS pastors will bring needs of our churches and pray for one another. Our Good Friday Service on 15 April will focus on the Gethsemane Prayer of Jesus, “…not my will, but yours, be done….” (Luke 22:42) with guest speaker Pastor Ivan Chow of Bethesda Bukit Arang. A series of devotions on that theme will be featured on our Website leading to Good Friday.
In our last Update, we announce the happy news that Grace BP Church joined BPCIS as our 9th member church. God willing, another BP church will join soon as 10th church. We will continue to build bridges to BP churches which are not part of a Presbytery yet. In this regard, we are glad to hear of a second Presbytery being formed with Life, New Life, Calvary-Jurong and Sharon BP Churches. We call on all BP churches to prayerfully consider being part of a Presbytery if they call themselves Presbyterian.
This will be the theme of our Pastors & Leaders Retreat this year, held 4-5 July, at Changi Cove. Pastor Denesh Divyanathan of The Crossing Church will be our speaker. As part of our bridge-building, we will be extending invitation to churches not part of BPCIS. God continues to strengthen our churches through the ordination of men to the ministry. Three are now on ordination tracks: Paul Yeo and Ng Zhiwen (Zion Bishan) and Elder David Leong (Emmanuel).
As the world moves increasingly online, our website manager Karen Quek is joined by a team of digital natives from Zion Serangoon, Shalom and Mount Hermon, ensuring fresh content and viewership. Visit for our latest stories and commentaries.