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COVID-19 Advisory

26 June 2021

Dear all,

The recent number of community cases continuing to rise unabated after a brief period of respite has caused some concerns as I contemplated on the next step for our worship service in church. 

That Covid-19 will become endemic is a likely scenario that we need to be prepared for. I understand the desires of many to want to return to in-person worship. Being able to fellowship in person, the contact, bonding and the trust that can be engendered, these are things that cannot be replicated fully via online Zoom or YouTube viewing.


The MTF has announced some limited reopening in light of the latest outbreaks and big cluster discovered in Bukik Merah.


With the latest advisory, the Church will gradually reopen to permit worship services and activities to resume as follows:

  • From 27 June onwards, we will resume congregational worship services in church for up to 50 worshippers at a time.

  • Duration of worship services to be kept short.

  • No congregational singing even with masks on.

  • Responsive reading is permitted with masks on.

  • Only up to 2 singers can sing unmasked.

  • Speaker and worship leader can unmask during the worship service.

  • Junior Worship and Bible classes will continue to be conducted via online ZOOM. This is to reduce concurrent activities when worship services are ongoing so as to reduce the number of people on the premises to minimize risk of large clusters forming.

  • AF gathering on Saturday will resume, with no more than 50 people attending.

The existing safety measures will remain in force for the above.

Notifications will be sent to all regular worshippers and members via email. Active attendees will also receive WhatsApp message. Do indicate your interest to attend the in-person worship service by replying to the email or WhatsApp so that the church admin can prepare accordingly. It is important that you indicate your interest to attend the worship service so that we can ensure the cap of 50 worshippers is observed.

It will be helpful if you could also indicate your vaccination status, ie. not yet, 1st dose, 2nd dose, fully vaccinated (more than 2 weeks after 2nd dose). This is for future planning purpose, and does not affect your desire to attend the in-person worship service in the coming weeks.

The church currently does not have on-site PET facility. As long as the current requirements for PET stays for worship service with more than 50 worshippers, we will not be able to increase the congregational worship to beyond 50.

The requirements for PET do not apply to worshippers who have been vaccinated or are able to produce an exemption notice.

I strongly encourage all of us to go for our vaccination to be protected.  I understand some of you may have reservations about the vaccination. Please feel free to approach me or any of the church leaders to share your concerns. 

Only when majority of our worshippers are fully vaccinated can we have more than 50 worshippers for our in-person worship service.

Until then, with the current restrictions by MTF, we will observe the 50 worshippers cap.

We will continue to adjust the advisory in tandem with the MTF's advisory.

I  look forward to meeting you in church on Sunday, 27 June.  Please take care and stay safe.

In His Service

Elder Victor

On behalf of BOE and the Session

14 May 2021

In light of government's announcement on a set of precautionary measures, effective from 16 May to 13 June, to reduce the risk of further community spread, all in-person worship service will be suspended from Sunday 16 May to 13 June 2021.

All ministry activities will be moved online.


We will review the situation and update all closer to mid-June.

In His Service

Board of Elders & Session

Grace Bible Presbyterian Church


29 October 2020

Dear fellow Gracians

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord! Grace Church is finally able to return to church for congregational worship together from 1 November 2020. The safety and wellbeing of our worshippers are paramount. You may want to take note of the safety measures that we have put in place as follows:

  1. To accommodate up to 100 worshippers in our premises, we have arranged for the worshippers to be seated in two separate locations, each hosting no more than 50 people: zone 1 will be the Sanctuary at level 1 and zone 2 will be the Chapel at level 2.

  2. The sanctuary will be reserved for seniors, early comers and those who may find climbing the stairs challenging.

  3. The ingress and egress routes for the worshippers to enter and exit the Sanctuary and Chapel are indicated in the diagrams attached herewith.

  4. The corridor next to the Cry-room leading to the internal staircase will be closed to worshippers as the space will be used by the singers for live singing.

  5. In the event of heavy rain, the corridor leading to the internal staircase will be used as the ingress and egress routes to the Chapel at level 2. Ushers will be there to provide the direction and guidance.

  6. Worshippers are not to mingle before, during and after worship service. We will need to leave the church premises immediately after the worship service. Junior worship and other Bible Classes will continue to be conducted online via ZOOM.

  7. All worshippers must wear a face mask at all times.  Speakers, worship leader, and scripture reader may remove the mask while wearing a face shield when performing their speaking duties, keeping 1 metre away from any other individual.

  8. Singing is not permitted during the worship service.

  9. There will not be sharing of common items (e.g. hymn books, bibles, etc.). We will continue to use the pre-packed Holy Communion elements for our Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.  As for offerings, we will continue via QR scan or digital transfer, and cheques may be dropped into the offering box provided. Cash will not be collected.

  10. Disposable wipes will be provided for worshippers to help disinfect the chairs before leaving the sanctuary/chapel.


Even though these measures can come across as rather restrictive, I’m sure we understand that they are necessary to ensure a safe environment for our worshippers. We can still rejoice that we are now able to return to church for congregational worship and to meet each other physically.

I look forward to seeing you this coming Sunday 1 Nov 2020.


In His Service

Elder Victor Goh

On behalf of the Board of Elders and Session

Grace Bible Presbyterian Church

28 May 2020

Dear Brethren,


On 19 May 2020, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced a phased approach to resuming activities safely from 2 Jun 2020. This advisory provides guidance to religious organisations (ROs) on the phased approach for the resumption of religious activities.


A summary of the salient points relevant to the conduct of worship service is as follows:

1.  From 2 Jun 2020, places of worship may re-open for private worship:

  • Worshippers may only pray individually or together if they are members of the same household (capped at 5 persons).
  • Up to 5 households will be allowed for private worship in the place of worship at any one time, subject to adequate safe distancing measures put in place. Private worship refers only to prayers and other forms of worship that are performed by an individual worshipper alone or with his/her household group.
  • To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, there must be no physical interaction between worshippers from different households. 


2. In-person congregational worship services, religious classes and cell group meetings will remain suspended in Phase One, as these involve interaction of individuals who are not of the same household.


3. ROs should continue to support the religious needs of their communities via remote means such as recording and broadcast of religious services and prayers.

  • There should be no more than 5 persons on-site at a time for the digital production of these services. Time spent on-site for this purpose must be kept as short as possible. ROs may return on-site for these activities as and when required but we encourage ROs to plan their production schedule as everyone must continue to limit their movements outside their homes and interactions with non-household members. The production team must abide by the guidelines in this advisory and put in place adequate safe management measures.
  • Live singing for the recording of religious services and prayers is strongly discouraged as singing releases a larger amount of droplets, which will increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission. ROs that wish to conduct live singing must first demonstrate how they would do so safely in the safe management plans for MCCY’s review before they can proceed.

4.  All other workplace activities remain suspended. ROs must apply for a time-limited exemption if their religious workers or staff need to return to the RO’s premises or place of worship for activities other than those already permitted.


Based on the above advisory, BOE has discussed and decided that the current online worship service will continue till further notice. Church staff will continue to telecommute as the default and church premise will remain close to the public.


While our current situation is improving and circuit breaker measures are progressively eased, our battle against COVID-19 is far from over. Hence, we urge all of us to continue to comply with all measures still in place and do our part to keep the virus at bay and our community safe.


In His Service

Board of Elders & Session

Grace Bible Presbyterian Church

25 April 2020

The Singapore Government announced on 21 April 2020 that the circuit breaker period has been extended to 1 June 2020 to further curb the spread of Covid-19.


In line with this measure, Grace Bible Presbyterian Church will remain closed till 1 June 2020 (inclusive). Church staff will continue to telecommute during this period.


We would like to urge each and every one of us to do our part and adhere to the stricter measures put in place by the Government, no matter how inconvenient they may be. Let us adopt the practices aimed at reducing and halting the spread of the Coronavirus and protecting those in our community who are at most risk. As a church we want to be obedient to God’s Word which instructs us to be subject to the governing authorities. Most importantly, we want to be a people who love our neighbours. This is a unique moment for the church to display the hope we have in Christ to a world that is feeling vulnerable. Let’s fortify our hearts in the gospel so that we will be agents of God’s redeeming grace to our friends and neighbours.


Times like these can serve to elevate our appreciation for the rhythms of grace that sustain us week-by-week. It is more important than ever that we not neglect the practices of prayer, hearing the Word, encouraging one another, giving generously, and caring for those who are sick and afraid.


Though we are not able to gather physically for worship each Sunday, our online worship service will continue to be available so that you can gather in your homes every Sunday and worship remotely with our church family.


Our church leaders and staff team will be prayerful on how best to respond to the developing situation and the government’s recommendations. Please pray for wisdom. Please pray for the world, for our nation, and for our community, that the Lord will work through this pandemic to bring about a widespread turning toward him and outpouring of his mercy. Pray for our government leaders as they make decisions, and for healthcare providers that God would protect their health and give them resilience in this time of great need. And continue caring for one another. If you are ill or in need, or if you know anyone in our church family who is ill, we want to care for you. Please email Pastor and Elders for pastoral care. For prayer needs, please email us your prayer items at


In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Jesus who loves us! We will never face a future in which Jesus is not there. God is always working for our good. This is a wonderful time for us to let the light of Christ shine through his church as we actively love our community and show courage and hope in the midst of adversity.


With love in Christ


Board of Elders & Session

24 March 2020

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced today tighter measures to minimize further spread of COVID-19 here. Among the series of measures is that all religious services and congregations will be suspended. Places of worship (e.g. temples, mosques, churches) may remain open for private worship and essential rites, subject to group sizes of 10 persons or fewer at any one time.


Worship Services will be suspended

With effect from 26 March 2020, Grace BP Church Sunday Worship services and other activities in church will be suspended till 30 April 2020. This may be extended if the situation does not improve.

Please join our Sunday 'Live’ streaming of Worship services at -

English Worship Service: 9.30am

Mandarin Worship Service: 11.30am

Junior Worship will be suspended. Children are to join their parents to view the worship live stream.

Bible classes will be conducted using online platforms such as Zoom or Skype. Likewise for all other ministries.

Mandatory Self-quarantine for travellers and their close contacts returning since 15 March 2020

To further protect our community - if you and/or someone you live with have returned from anywhere outside SINGAPORE since 15 March, we ask that you refrain from visiting the Church for a period of 14 days commencing the date of your return.


Participating via Livestream

Online viewing is the perfect way to be part of our church whenever you feel unwell. You may access the Youtube link on our website, and on Facebook. Connect with us online on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected to church life. Even if we are physically apart, we may still worship the Lord together in spirit.

Keep praying. Help one another. Use your gifts to build up the church.

Let’s keep our trust in the Lord our Healer! Keep praying for those who are affected by the virus, for the healthcare workers and everyone working on the frontlines, and for those who need Jesus but don’t yet know Him. Pray for us as a church that we will stand firm in our faith and not give in to fear.

We have wonderful promises in God’s word of his protection over our well being. Remember the promise from Psalm 91:5-7: 

5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
       nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness
       nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
       ten thousand at your right hand,
       but it will not come near you.


Most of all, keep showing love in practical ways to those who need it most. The COVID-19 will test our resolve as a church to remain worshipful, loving and compassionate. Let us turn this pandemic into an opportunity for change and growth: to connect with God more deeply, for families to become stronger, for parents to lead their children in the faith, and for leaders and members to shepherd and care for one another. 

When this pandemic is over, we are confident that Grace BP Church will be a stronger community because everyone has been strong and faithful.

Board of Elders and Session

Additional Information

Sunday Services

Temperature checks, declaration of travel history and recording of contact details for contact tracing purposes will be conducted at the front area (near the benches) of the church. Please come earlier on Sunday. 

Please stay home if,

  • You are on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Stay Home Notice (SHN), or

  • You have flu-like symptoms, or

  • You are on self-quarantine for 14 days since your return from overseas

We thank you for your understanding that anyone with symptoms such as fever of 37.5°C and above, cough or runny nose will be asked to go home and rest, and to seek medical attention.

Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Prayer meeting will be cancelled. We will continue to pray for one another via the Prayer Band.

Children Ministry/Bible Class Ministry

Our Pre-Primary worship, Junior worship/bible class, and all bible classes will continue in small groups/classes.

After-Service Fellowship

All after-service fellowship will be cancelled. Refreshments will be suspended.

Cell Meetings

Cell meetings will continue, subject to regular reviews. Attendance will be taken. 

Ministry programmes

All events/meetings, especially those involving seniors and young, will be cancelled. All outreach events will be suspended. Adult Fellowship ministry will cancel all gatherings. For other programmes, please check with relevant ministry heads if the respective ministry programmes are going ahead as planned. 

Good Personal Hygiene

We continue to encourage good personal hygiene.


  • Wash your hands frequently with soap.

  • Avoid shaking hands (use other forms of greeting) and avoid touching your face with your hands.

  • Take your temperature regularly and see a doctor immediately if you have a fever.

  • If you have developed a fever or are experiencing other respiratory symptoms such as breathlessness or coughing, you should seek immediate medical attention and rest at home.

  • During this period, minimise physical contact, and practice heightened personal hygiene and social etiquette.

Useful Links

Ministry of Health | Updates on the local situation

Ministry of Health | Additional Precautionary Measures to Prevent Further Importation and Spread of COVID-19 Cases

National Environment Agency | Interim List of Household Products and Active Ingredients for Disinfection of COVID 19

National Environment Agency | Interim Guidelines for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection of Areas Exposed to Confirmed Case(s) of COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) in Non-Healthcare Commercial Premises 

National Environment Agency | Interim Guidelines for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection of Premises With Transient Exposure to Confirmed Cases(s) of the COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019 )

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