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The "Unexpected" Perfect Father to Me

Grace B-P Contributor

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

By Dn Allan Lim

10 years ago, my dad died from cancer unexpectedly. I was at work and only learnt about it when my elder brother called me. Although I rushed home as quickly as I could, I was too late—he had already been taken away to the hospital and had passed on there.

Four years before that, my mum had also passed on in similar unexpected circumstances. I never got a chance to say “goodbye” to the both of them. Their deaths had occurred suddenly, and in such a short space of time it was very hard to come to terms with having to live life without anyone to turn to for guidance, relation, or purpose. I was reeling from shock, and the greatest question on my mind at the time was “What now?” Everything at that point was a huge question mark and I felt very lost.

The recent message by Bro. Chien Chong on Father’s Day caused me to reflect again on God as a Father to me. I remember that in the years following my parents’ demise, God was and has remained the ever-present one to whom I can turn to for guidance, relation, and purpose through His Word. In those years, I had no one to turn to at home and could only turn to Him, and this opened me up to the knowledge of His care, love, and realness even more. He is God, but also unexpectedly, the greatest Father. I say “unexpectedly” because in the past, He was—to me—more God (only to be revered and feared) than Father.

The book in the Bible that I always love to go back to is Genesis, for it speaks to me about many simple foundational truths which have stuck with me throughout my years as a Christian. These include the wonderful truth that God has continuously planned for man, and in modern speak even “fussed over us” since the beginning of our relationship with Him. It speaks of His character which has remained unchanged from the beginning.

Gen 1:26Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion…

Man was made after everything else was created, just like loving parents who prepare long beforehand for the coming of a newborn. Man is the pinnacle of God’s handiwork, and we are very honoured to be made in God’s image and placed in charge of all creation. I am always overwhelmed when I think of this. He gives us our purpose and always provides what is needed to achieve it.

Gen 2:18 “… It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him

Even after the creation of man, God continued to look after his well-being, not letting up. Every living creature was brought before Adam, and when no helper was found fit for him, Eve was made from Adam. God continuously looks after our needs, in this case by providing Adam a helper and partner. He is always concerned for our welfare and provides the best solution, as any loving parent would.

This is evident throughout the whole bible.

As I continue to obey my perfect Father who constantly guides me through His Word, my life has changed for the better. By giving me true purpose in life, God has made sure that I am not clueless. At times, I am moved to tears when I recall that my good and perfect Father sent His only begotten Son to experience death for my sake so that I may inherit all the truly good gifts that He has in store. I am grateful for His many gifts, including the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible, the forgiveness of my sins by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the church who is my extended family, and the ability to talk with God through prayer knowing that He hears.

I have finally realised that I will never be alone. I have this unseen but ever doting and present Father who equips me, guides me on what I must do, and gives my life purpose. Even though my good and perfect Father sometimes disciplines me when I go wrong or make mistakes, He will always forgive me as long as I learn my lesson.

This is the reason I am happy to serve others in church, speak to my “yet-unbelieving” friends about Him and continue to improve my ways by applying His teachings. I do still miss my late parents from time to time, but I am thankful it is not so painful now because God really is the perfect Father anyone can ever have!

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