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Pastoral Word on Repeal of Section 377A

Grace B-P Contributor

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

25 August 2022

PREAMBLE By now, the government and the public have been made aware of the positions and concerns of the Christian community in Singapore over the repeal of Section 377A. Statements have been issued by different Christian councils and denominational bodies. Our Pastoral Word addresses the flocks under our care, and draws our attention to four main areas for urgent prayer and action.


It bears repetition that BPCIS considers the homosexual act and lifestyle to be contrary to God’s Word and therefore a sin. That said, the sin of homosexual act or lifestyle is not greater than any other sin. All who desire to follow Jesus Christ as Lord must confess and repent of all known sins in their lives, whatever the sins may be. The ground is level at the foot of the Cross.


All persons, regardless of the nature of their sin, are in need of the Saviour and will be judged by Him. As pastors, we lovingly welcome into our churches all persons who desire to worship the Lord with us, but on the condition that all who approach God in worship renounce and repent of their sins and strive to live godly lives. We recognise that our flesh may still strain under the forces of same-sex attraction or homosexual orientation but it is not a sin to be tempted. We pray for all who are tempted sexually to receive God’s grace in order to remain chaste and have a lively fellowship of Christian brothers and sisters to support them and hold them accountable.


The mandate of the Church and of every Christian is the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, which is to make disciples of all nations. As we do so, we are to teach them to observe everything that Christ has commanded us. These things include the biblical model for marriage and family. Let us continue to uphold and teach the good sense, value and relevance of such a model, not only in our churches but also in the communities where our churches are situated. This we do through the way we live, and so persuade as many people as possible to agree with and embrace it.


Since the mandate of the Church and of every Christian is the Great Commission, we do not focus on “culture wars” that alienate us from those who need the gospel. Neither do we engage in social activism to force our views on those who do not share our beliefs. We thank God that the Government has consistently shown itself to be consultative in its policy-making and has discharged itself responsibly. We pray that God continues to raise godly men and women to the leadership in our country.


We recognise that the Church and Christians have been and will always be a minority in society and therefore, we cannot expect the rest of society to live by the values that we espouse and hold dear. Nevertheless, our hope is in God to protect us where he has placed us to represent him and to provide for us so that we may be effective witnesses for him there.

Finally, with the repeal of Section 377A, may God help us navigate the path ahead of us with wisdom and courage, heeding the words of our Lord Jesus, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 ESV

The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore

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